Our Services

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Reading Readiness

Speech therapy can help support early reading skills such as phonemic awareness, sight words, phonics, comprehension and vocabulary

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Speech Delay

When your child doesn't meet typical speech milestones, it could be from being a late talker or a more serious speech disorder needing early intervention

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Articulation /speech sound disorder

Producing speech require precise coordination and movement of the mouth and tongue. If a child is hard to understand, speech therapy can help them elicit the right sound

how to do speech therapy at home

Language Disorder

A child with a language disorder will have difficulty using vocabulary, forming the right words together and understanding others. They have difficulty comprehending others and expressing themselves


People who stutter have a hard time "getting the right words out". They may repeat the beginning of words or phrases, and experience prolonged pauses or blocks

Social Language

Language involves successful communication with others. Impaired social skills (e.g., a common feature of ASD) hinder one's ability to communicate and develop relationships

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A common disorder that appears in early childhood, students with lisps have a hard time saying "s" and "z" sounds which makes them harder to understand

Autism Spectrum Disorder

ASD is a developmental disorder affecting many areas of communication abilities and social interactions with others